cedar loveseat outdoor cozy seating adirondack
cedar loveseat outdoor cozy seating adirondack
cedar loveseat outdoor cozy seating adirondack
cedar loveseat outdoor cozy seating adirondack
Adirondack Cedar Loveseat Bench LS48

Adirondack Cedar Loveseat Bench LS48


Adirondack Cedar Loveseat Bench LS48

Regular priceUSD $249.00

Handcrafted with Western Red Cedar, our Cedar Loveseat offers traditional Adirondack charm with cozy seating for two. Perfect for that lazy day under a big shady tree.

Width: 54 in 
Depth: 38 in 
Height: 38 in 
Product weight: 33.0 lbs.
Seat size: 43w x 19d x 14h
Overall dimensions: 54w x 38d x 38h - (full assembly required)

  • Free shipping on all orders shipped within Canada and the United States.
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  • Width: 54 in
  • Height: 38 in
  • Depth: 38 in